maine-vegetarian-fest-dr-john-herzog2Join Maine Animal Coalition as  Member or Donate Below

We are a 100% volunteer organization, which means that 100% of your contributions will go directly to the events we put on and the amazing  animal rights organizations support.

Learn how you can contribute to events like the Annual Maine Vegetarian Food Festival below!


Become a Member of Maine Animal Coalition and receive a year’s subscription to the highly regarded VegNews Magazine For Free!

Membership Levels

Direct Contributions

Maine Animal Coalition is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed under the law. Donations may be mailed directly to MAC at the following address:

Maine Animal Coalition
P.O. Box 6683
Portland, Maine 04101

Or use our Secure Online Donation





Donations can also be made to Maine Animal Coalition through MaineShare (

About MaineShare
MaineShare supports a community of 37 non-profit member organizations through workplace giving and direct gifts. MaineShare’s mission is to provide significant support to organizations doing progressive social justice and root cause work in Maine and to raise public awareness of their work.

Workplace giving means that employees make tax-deductible gifts to charitable organizations of their choice, primarily through payroll contributions. MaineShare workplace giving campaigns are “donor driven” – donors may designate all or part of their contributions to specific member organizations. You choose how to distribute your gift on your pledge form. MaineShare gives employees in the workplace an easy and efficient way to give a few dollars a week from their paycheck to support groups working in and for Maine every day. Workplace giving enables a workplace and its employees to work together to benefit the community by helping to fund and develop root cause solutions through MaineShare member groups.

MaineShare comes to your workplace once a year and you decide how much to give and who you want to receive your gift. Donors can give anonymously, or choose to receive an acknowledgement from designated member groups.

If your workplace does not currently offer MaineShare as a charitable giving option, encourage your employer to enroll. For more information, contact MaineShare at

282 Water Street, Suite 12 P.O. Box 2095 Augusta, Maine 04338 Phone: 207-622-0105